Would you be quickerbybike?

Quickerbybike.com is a campaign to promote cycling to non-cyclists
& decent cycling to existing cyclists.

If you commute to work or school but not by bike,
would you consider switching?

It's probably quicker, healthier, more friendly, more independent, cheaper, quieter & brighter.

If you already ride, would you promote cycling via your shorts?

If you ride like a bit of a wally, running red lights & annoying other road users,

would you wear the shorts and ride decently?

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Riding on my little green bike from Clapham Junction to Kensington yesterday for a meeting, I found myself staring at a poster on the back of a bus.  It was a Roadhug campaign poster.


If you read earlier posts in this blog, you'll remember that my friend James came up with the exact same approach for his cycle commute.  See "A ride amongst friends", posted in December.  He was on to something big.  Kensington and Chelsea (the London Borough) have just adopted the philosophy for their road safety campaign, launched last week.  Pretend all the road users around you are people you know.  It works wonders.

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