Would you be quickerbybike?

Quickerbybike.com is a campaign to promote cycling to non-cyclists
& decent cycling to existing cyclists.

If you commute to work or school but not by bike,
would you consider switching?

It's probably quicker, healthier, more friendly, more independent, cheaper, quieter & brighter.

If you already ride, would you promote cycling via your shorts?

If you ride like a bit of a wally, running red lights & annoying other road users,

would you wear the shorts and ride decently?

Monday 20 May 2013

Hoodies and Tees now available.

You can now buy all quickerbybike kit from yourclubshop.  Click the jeresey on the right.

Use code YCS10 to get 10% off until 1st June.

I've still got stock of s/s jerseys, bib-shorts and shorts and it's a lot cheaper from me, while it lasts.  See monday 4th February post, below.