Would you be quickerbybike?

Quickerbybike.com is a campaign to promote cycling to non-cyclists
& decent cycling to existing cyclists.

If you commute to work or school but not by bike,
would you consider switching?

It's probably quicker, healthier, more friendly, more independent, cheaper, quieter & brighter.

If you already ride, would you promote cycling via your shorts?

If you ride like a bit of a wally, running red lights & annoying other road users,

would you wear the shorts and ride decently?

Friday 20 March 2009

Let me out! How to enjoy the school run.

Now, more than before, with pressure on the family purse, it is the time to leave the car at home and walk or bike to school.
That is the message of this entertaining and practical handbook for parents, children and teachers based on over ten years of experience as a mother in London, one of the most congested towns in the world with particular problems with the school run.
Illustrated with cartoons and case studies and quotes from children, parents and teachers, this book aims to encourage and inspire others to get out of their cars and enjoy the school journey. It provides an entertaining mix of personal experience, policy review and practical suggestions.

Ann Kenrick, the author, has cycled in London for over 40 years as a child, student, employee, 9 month pregnant mother, and employer. She has been involved in sustainable transport issues more directly for over fifteen years as Trustee of the Environmental Transport Association and London Cycling Campaign and Founder/Chairman of the East Dulwich Safe Routes to School Group. She has been recognised for this work with a Southwark civic award.