Would you be quickerbybike?

Quickerbybike.com is a campaign to promote cycling to non-cyclists
& decent cycling to existing cyclists.

If you commute to work or school but not by bike,
would you consider switching?

It's probably quicker, healthier, more friendly, more independent, cheaper, quieter & brighter.

If you already ride, would you promote cycling via your shorts?

If you ride like a bit of a wally, running red lights & annoying other road users,

would you wear the shorts and ride decently?

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Super Cycling Man - Inspiring children to ride.

It would be easy, having visited the website http://www.supercyclingman.com/ and watched the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eDhUhsN_Qs to come away with the impression that what Super Cycling Man Will Hodson is doing is a lark.  He's so chirpy and ridiculous, so full of fun that you might not notice 100 miles a day back-to-back, in all manner of conditions, carrying everything, for blocks of 5 weeks is an extraordinary feat.

He's no ordinary cyclist.

He's a familiar figure, nicknamed coincidentally Will Supersocks, in the local chain-gang.  He turns up in knee-length football socks with hairy legs and looking, if we're honest, a bit heavy.  That might not sound an unusual way to look but it stands out amongst the lean, pro-mimicking and very capable, race-winning amateur racers who make up the rest of the group.  And Will is well-up to the pace. 10 riders at the start.  Lap 1: 7 riders left with Will still there.  Lap 2: still 7 riders, though some looking uncomfortable.  Lap three: 5 riders and Supersocks is still there.  Lap 4: it's down to three and Will is still not amongst those shelled.

He's a proper cyclist.

But what's fantastic is that he's almost completely hidden that.  There's no bragging, no banging on about suffering and hardship.  It's such a ridiculous feat and so playfully communicated that it is close to feeling like the unreal comic-book adventure he's kidded us it is.

Instead of drawing attention to the enormity of the physical effort, Will has focused on the more important bid to do something worthwhile.  He's getting children cycling.  And it works.

If that weren't enough, he's raising money, target £100,000 for charities.

Help him if you can.  http://www.supercyclingman.com/